RELEASE BLITZ: Finding Me In July by Christie Gordon (Excerpt & Giveaway)
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Find Me in July
By Christie Gordon
Troy lives to be a teacher. Jessie knows teachers can’t be gay. These facts could rip them apart.
It’s the summer of 1978. Troy Larson is only one university-year away from living his dream as an elementary school teacher. In the meantime, he’s heading to his family’s annual, month-long vacation at a Northern Minnesota lake resort. He’s looking forward to time with his best friend, Jessie, and finding out what happened to him. This year was odd. They hardly spoke on the phone and Jessie didn’t come home for the usual breaks. When they meet, it’s clear something’s off with Jessie. One day in, Troy secretly stumbles upon Jessie in an illicit act with another man. The incident triggers questions about Jessie’s sexuality and confusion about his own.
Jessie Smith is set to take over his father’s Minneapolis foundry when he graduates from a New York university next year. But the time in New York has taught him how to accept his sexuality and his newfound freedom is not something he’s willing to give up. As the families meet for their vacation, it’s clear that Jessie is different. After the first day, Jessie sees an abrupt change in Troy, and it’s baffling. The changes in Troy cause a lifetime of repressed feelings to surface in him.
Troy’s pursuit of the truth brings him closer to Jessie than he ever thought he would want to be. He struggles to understand what’s going on between them and how his best friend is turning into more, way more. With the gay rights movement facing legal challenges from Save our Children, can Troy convince Jessie he’s willing to fight along side him and face whatever consequences may come together?
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Troy followed Jessie through the dirt and rock parking lot, walking past cars, trucks, and other vans, holding a cardboard tray with hot dogs, popcorn, and candy.
Jessie strolled with drinks in paper cups and plastic lids, straws poking out the top. As he reached the van, he stopped. “This thing is so big, it’s hard to miss.”
With a chuckle, Troy set the food tray on the ground, then unlocked and opened the sliding door on the van.
Jessie crawled inside and set their drinks on the cabinet counter.
Troy handed Jessie the food tray, made his way inside and closed the door, then sat on the fold-out bed, next to Jessie, cross legged. “So, what first?”
Jessie swung both tailgate doors on the van open. “Hot dogs.” He returned to Troy, facing him, crossing his legs.
Troy handed him a hot dog wrapped in foil, then opened his own and took a bite. He definitely had the munchies. “Damn, that tastes good.”
Jessie slid his hot dog out of the wrapper and bit into it, ketchup dribbling onto his fingers. As he chewed, he licked them off.
Troy focused on his tongue, lapping at the ketchup. Warmth filtered over his groin. “Dude, that’s pretty indecent.”
“What?” Jessie stopped licking and smirked. “You have a dirty mind.”
“I do. You have no idea.” Troy snickered. They were flirting now and none of it was fake. “Give me a bite.”
Jessie looked his hot dog over, then furrowed his brows. “You have your own.”
“I’ll give you some of mine if you give me some of yours.” Troy lifted a brow. Did he flirt like this with chicks? No, not really.
Jessie smiled and held his hot dog out. “Here.”
Troy kept his gaze on Jessie and bit into it. “I like eating yours better.” And next time they were alone, he definitely would.
Jessie chuckled and shook his head. “You are so bad.” He bent forward, putting his lips close to Troy’s ear. “I like it.” As he turned his head, he flicked his tongue across Troy’s cheek. “You had a bit of ketchup…” He straightened.
Troy widened his eyes. He really wanted to kiss him now. Maybe they should close all the doors on the van until the movie started? He held his hot dog out to him. “Here, eat mine.”
With a grin, Jessie took a bite and chewed. “What’s going on inside your head?”
“I was thinking about closing the doors and kissing you.” Heat flooded Troy’s face. Why did it always embarrass him to say what he was thinking? Guess he wasn’t used to it.
“You are? Then how are we going to watch the movie? Because if we start kissing again, I’m not going to be able to stop.” Jessie looked him over, raking his teeth over his lower lip, then grabbed a soda from the counter and sucked on it through the straw. “Well?”
A flash of heat pooled in Troy’s groin. He was liking the idea of forgoing the movie more and more. But what if someone, like Donna, asked about the movie when they got back? “We better watch the movie. We don’t want to get caught not knowing what happens.”
Jessie slumped his shoulders. “Guess so.” He glanced at Troy’s hot dog. “You going to give me more of that?” He smirked.
“Definitely. All you want.” Troy held it out to him. Seemed he was ready to give Jessie anything he asked for. Had he always felt this way? Pretty much. So, that hadn’t changed.
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate Christie’s new release, we are giving you the chance to win 1 of 3 eBooks of your choice from Christie’s backlist!
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57368/?
About the Author:
Christie Gordon started writing gay and M/M romance fiction after becoming preoccupied with anime and in particular, the boys love and yaoi genres. She’s always had stories in her head and always enjoyed writing, so she took up fiction writing classes at a local community college and published her first book with eXtasy Books back in 2009. Christie likes to write complicated characters with painful pasts that refuse to be ignored until the characters are forced to face them head on. Angst? Yes. Happily ever after? Always. It’s the struggle to get there that counts.
Christie’s day job is in the high-tech industry with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s in Business Administration. She currently lives in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area and enjoyed eight years in the Bay Area of California but grew up in Minnesota. She shares a home with her partner of twelve years, a musician by night and a coder by day, who is currently in three bands, giving her plenty of time to keep writing. She is also a mother of two sons, one currently in college for engineering and the other preparing for nursing college. Her one-eyed, rescue pug is always by her side, snoring the day away.
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Website: https://www.christiegordon.com